👉 DeFi For You | End of Year Roundup

DeFi For You - Official
5 min readDec 3, 2021


The bells are ringing and Frank Sinatra is echoing charmingly out the speakers. It’s that time of year again — and for a lot of people, it’s their first Crypto Christmas.

It’s been a thunderous year full of ups and downs, dips and moons, memes and apes, and much more. Virtual land is now worth more than real land, Koreans broke TV, then scammy developers broke traders, and Elon Musk’s dog caused some of the most sensational market manipulation of the modern age.

Before you head out for the first weekend of December, we wanted to share a few things with you — and say thank you.

Thank you for being with DeFi For You, and for still being here as we enter another mad year of the new 20’s.

Ready to grab 2022 by the balls.

A look back in time

We wanted to share with you everything that has happened since our IDO back in January. It’s been a hectic year since then — and we’ve all aged more than we wish we had. But it’s all been worth it to get to where we are now.

From launching defiforyou.uk, through listing DFY on the best DEX’s in the Binance Smart Chain ecosystem, and to our first centralized listings on CoinTiger, HotBit, BitGlobal, now more recently MEXC Global.

We’ve partnered with some incredible people in the crypto space, as well as outside of it. These partnerships are scaling dramatically, with some genuinely unique ones in the pipeline. This comes on top of a growing list of sporting sponsorships including boxers Natasha Jonas and Mace Ruegg.

Incredible people with team spirit are at the core of any project.

From innovative NFT projects like SrnArt Gallery to gaming projects to up and coming Metaverse worlds like Gamestate and industry titans like Chainlink, DeFi For You is growing its presence in the crypto space day by day.

Our partnerships outside the crypto space have been equally as important to us. Miles Mann Limited has proven to be an incredible partner and an inspiring member of our growing UK team. Our partnership with an up and coming bank in Ukraine will only drive our reach further.

We quickly realised that one of the keys to this platform was to partner with pawnbrokers and in October we exhibited at the National Pawnbrokers Association Expo at the Riverbank Plaza Hotel in London.

Wowsers what an incredible day this was!

We met with members of the parliamentary committee for crypto assets and have secured interest and partnerships which we are geared to go live in January 2022. This is to go on top of the partnership we’ve already secured in the US and which we’ll be announcing in the coming weeks.

Sean Mason and Miles Mann at the UK Pawnbrokers Expo, meeting industry titans and MPs.

Our FCA license for pawnbroking activities wouldn’t have been possible without Miles. We’ve now been able to leverage our compliant position and bridges between the physical and digital world to build connections with some of the largest pawnbroking companies in the world.

You made all this possible!

It’s been one hell of a year. But none of it would have been possible without you. Really. Our community’s support, their faith in us during our IDO, and their continued belief that we can get this thing over the line — as we’re now on the cusp of doing — are what makes all the stress, late nights, hectic schedules and 10-hour drives across the Ukrainian wilderness worth it.

Yeah, one of our team couldn’t get a flight and had to drive ten hours across Ukraine while his wife was due to give birth. These are the people we’re dealing with. These are the people that have been drawn to this project because they believe in the future that we’re a part of building.

Natasha Jonas showing fighting spirit with DFY on her shorts. Moving towards a women’s title fight in 2022!

The dedication from these people, from our developers who are basically on call 24–7, and from our community members who share our news with their friends are community relentlessly. This project wouldn’t exist without you all. You’ve been with us in times good and in times rough. It doesn’t go unnoticed.

The Next Big Steps!

We’re about to walk into a new year and a new chapter for DeFi For You. But we wouldn’t end this year without some bangs!

We’ll have more product launch throughout December. Really this is what it’s all about — the product that will change the way people use DeFi!

The DeFi For You Mobile Wallet will launch on the 15th December.

👉 Our mobile wallet app is due for launch on December 15th.

👉 Our NFT marketplace and NFT pawn features are due for launch December 22nd

👉 Dig Chain will launch in the next week, allowing real estate to be tokenized!

👉 Our Farming on DeFi For You will launch in December, too.

👉 Major partnerships to announce

These partnerships bring strength in numbers and in capital, allowing us to cruise easily into the business ports that we need to visit to push forward in our journey.

Our mindset is that of a cooperative approach built by the people for the people!

Locked farming pools will also open the chance to enter a lottery system on DeFi For You.

🔸 Saving the Best For Last 🔸

The really, really great news is that we now have a signed partnership contract from an entrepreneurial Ukrainian bank where we have agreed terms to build a crypto currency exchange in 2022.

We have not announced the details of it because we are in talks with them right now regarding the combined press release of the partnership.

We are equipped with the manpower and the resources to make these things happen. Our Blockchain Developer Asia company now has 400 developers in a constant state of movement heading gracefully towards our targets for the community.

Sit tight strap yourself in, because you are going to need to hold on.

We are moving at high speeds. The bank partnership is a great asset for our community who will benefit from the decisive business move that we have made.

To put it simply we have created a bridge of trade that started in Vietnam that spanned to the United Kingdom and now to the Ukraine, Russia, North and South America.

It’s uphill from here — we wish you an incredible Christmas full of joy, and a more predictable new year than the one we’ve all just been through.

Merry Christmas from DeFi For You!



DeFi For You - Official

Crypto pawn brokerage and peer-to-peer lending. Pawn NFTs and more. Built on the Binance Smart Chain.