DeFi For You | New Features Launched | Announcement

DeFi For You - Official
3 min readOct 12, 2021


👉 Tuesday is here. Announcement day. We’ve got a some BIG news for you all !

Today you will be able to experiment with the Hard NFT features on DeFi For You. This is what our tech team has been so busy with lately— creating several smart contracts for the NFT Pawn features and building the frontend for you to explore.

👉 As of today, you can now create asset requests for Hard NFTs to be evaluated for DeFi loans. We invite you to go to and check the feature for any bugs.

Hard NFT creation is now LIVE on DeFi For You!

This Hard NFT asset feature is now in mainet, although the surrounding features such as the NFT marketplace are still being developed. This means that lenders cannot currently offer loans against NFT collateral, but the process of creating the hard NFTs is live.

We want the community to test this feature.

👉 Go to the website > Press NFT > Have a go now! Let us know if you experience any bugs or issues.

🔸 The reason is that we’re going onto the UK’s biggest independent TV channel at prime time to show the first-ever crypto loan against a hard asset via NFTs. This will also be going out on primetime TV in the United States shortly after.

What about the integration announcement?

That’s coming on the 17th. It’s a big one too. Big things take time and in the world of blockchain development, deadlines can be difficult to reach every time.

October has already been the biggest month for DeFi For You in terms of who we’re talking to and what we’re arranging. Some incredible developments are being made — not just on a development front, but with discussions at the highest levels.

Interest rates for lending pools on DeFi For You will be determined by a efficent algorithm that will ensure our platform undercuts the competition.

🔸 Development has begun on lending pools and NFT marketplace

Our tech team has now begun development on Aave-style lending pools where lenders can deposit assets and receive an algorithmically-determined interest rate, either fixed or variable. Borrowers will be able to deposit collateral to get an instant crypto loan.

Our aim is to undercut the competition, giving borrowers and lenders more attractive interest rates than other projects on the market.

🔸 NFT marketplace

The NFT marketplace is now officially under development. Users will be able to buy and sell NFTs, as well as Hard NFTs with underlying physical assets attached to them.

🔸 NFT pawnbroker backend

The team are also developing the UI system for pawnbrokers on DeFi For You so they can manage asset creation requests more easily and keep track of their loans to date.

🔸 New FinTech advisor coming onboard

DeFi For You will have a new FinTech advisor coming onboard who previously worked for IBM and other major institutions. His blockchain expertise will help us to build the most efficient systems.

He will be a great asset to the DeFi For You platform!


As always, there’s a lot we just can’t announce yet. We’re now in talks with several leading pawnbroking companies, including one that is listed on the NASDAQ.

DeFi For You is in talks with some of the biggest pawnbroking compnanies in the world.

We’re also in talks with a government about integrating Dig Chain into their property market. More details on this to follow.

Most of this post was about DeFi For You. Dig Chain is coming very soon now and has attracted massive attention from projects, governments, and private companies, as well as large investors.

Get ready for Q4. It’s going to be the biggest one yet.



DeFi For You - Official

Crypto pawn brokerage and peer-to-peer lending. Pawn NFTs and more. Built on the Binance Smart Chain.